When Justin first heard about the Corps, he was excited for the opportunity to work outdoors and put his Biology degree into practice. He was able to do even more than that, gaining leadership and communication skills after being promoted to Crew Lead. As he started preparing for his career after the Corps, he "was offered help with his resume, as well as opportunities to bolster it."

Justin now works as an Agriculture Specialist in Customs and Border Protection at San Francisco International Airport. His job duties include asking passengers about the food they are bringing from their travels and deciding if it is safe to allow into the U.S.
His experience at the Corps working on invasive species projects (which you can watch below) helped him realize the importance of the work he does now. "I'm trying to keep pests or invasive species out of the country before they even enter."
He has been working as an Agriculture Specialist for about a year. "I couldn't ask for a better job.'